
About Al-anon

Phone Contacts


The Forum
World Service

Wise Words

We allow the alcoholics in our lives to experience the consequences of their own actions. -Detachment

Reprinted with permission of
Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA

Ordering Al-Anon/Alateen Literature

A wonderful assortment of Al-Anon and Alateen literature exists to help us in our recovery. We offer pamphlets, brochures, daily readers, books, newcomer packets, The Forum (Al-Anon’s monthly magazine), and even copies of our Public Service Announcements which appear on TV and radio. You can order these by doing one of the following:

  • Contact the local Literature Distribution Center (LDC). Our contact at the LDC is Mildred H., Phone (410) 838-6071. Once you print out the order form and complete your order, you can mail it to Mildred (address provided on the form), or call her to place your order. Ordering via this method helps support our local Al-Anon Information Service and public outreach efforts.
  • Click on our link to the Al-Anon World Service Office to order online. Many of our items are also available in French or Spanish, as are copies of French and Spanish order forms.

Our Newest Book, a story of growth and recovery

Al-Anon’s story of growth and recovery as experienced by the fellowship and its members over the past 60 years. Sharings from archival papers, official documents, published articles, and personal recollections, interspersed with insightful discussion questions, highlight the changes faced by not only Al-Anon’s members, but Al-Anon itself.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Al-Anon’s Three Legacies

Al-Anon has three legacies: Recovery (through the Steps), Unity (through the Traditions) and Service (through the Concepts).

Upcoming Events

Visit our events page to learn about upcoming conventions, conferences, Area and District meetings, and other Al-Anon activities. To post an event to this page, contact the Webmaster.